Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Character Designs for "The Adventures of B, M, & M"

The video below is the very first time lapse of Brett Warden working in Adobe Flash for the game, "The Adventures of Bewa, Moose, & Mucky" There are still some kinks that need to be worked out for centering the work area so that it doesn't go off screen. Anyways, it's just the first one out of several more.

They can only get better. Here ya go, folks!

Character Design for BMM from Brett Warden on Vimeo.


Friday, March 12, 2010

The Beginning

Hello, everyone!

To start things off, we are Flash Game developers. We formed roughly a year ago and have hit it off ever since. We've experimented with several types of games like hack'n'slash, fall'n'catch, and brawlers.

Our first game ever was a little too much to handle, having a full game with 20+ levels in the whole game. We narrowed it down to a static screen, bunny hoarding hack'n'slash. Some may know of it as "Bunnies Attack!", formerly known as "Lumberjack Attack!". This game took us nearly 6 months to finish, because we were so inexperienced and were not very organized.

Our second game was for a competition on Newgrounds. The Flixel February competition called our names, and there we were again dishing out another game called "MonsteroCity". This time it took roughly 3 months instead. Having lists of things to do and what was needed, the developing time was cut in half.

And as of now, we are developing our third feature game, with plenty of eye-candy from artist Brett Warden. Adam Dishongh writes beautifully catchy music and audio effects for the game. As for the beautiful game engines, all from Eric Mickols. There you have it. This Flash Team only consists of three people, but we do a heck of a job, I'd say!

In this game, you'll be able to play as the creators of Serverus, where they get sucked into one of their games as you must fight your way through and terminate the entire game itself. Also, you'll be able to switch characters in real-time, as it will be necessary in order to defeat certain enemies.

Here's a little teaser
"The Adventures of Bewa, Moose, & Mucky"
