Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Character Designs for "The Adventures of B, M, & M"

The video below is the very first time lapse of Brett Warden working in Adobe Flash for the game, "The Adventures of Bewa, Moose, & Mucky" There are still some kinks that need to be worked out for centering the work area so that it doesn't go off screen. Anyways, it's just the first one out of several more.

They can only get better. Here ya go, folks!

Character Design for BMM from Brett Warden on Vimeo.


1 comment:

  1. Sweet, I like that shading technique. Differs a lot from what I'm used to doing, which is just rubbing light in with Paint Fill.

    Also noticed you kept the dimensions of each character relatively the same. Was that a group agreement, you guys just agree you wanted it that way?
